Harsha Pavuluri

Python Developer, Data Scientist, RCODI Fellow

About Me

Citius, Altius, Fortius - Communiter

I consider myself a swiss army knife of sorts. I've worked on projects ranging from creating backends with Ruby on Rails to building frontends with React.js. Currently, I've been learning more about Data Science and Machine Learning, researching new models and how to deploy those models for production. I am currently seeking an entry level position in Data Science or Software Engineering. Also if you didn't notice already, I love my collection of keyboards. Shout out to KneeDeep Patinas for the board on the landing page!


Classification Using Graph Convulution

This project was a replication piece in bringing a strong production model of Graph Convolution to Pytorch. I focused on building my own convolution layer so that I could classify nodes in a graph dataset. I also conducted hyperparameter testing to see how each hyperparameter affects the accuracy and speed of the simple model that replicates the original work of Kipf/Welling. This gave me a good baseline in studying the advantages and disadvantages of Pytorch and Tensorflow when running the same model. The Github Repository can be found here: PYGCN Repository.


TrustWorthy Modules

This project was focused on creating an implementation on scoring NPM modules and deploying that to the cloud for a company to see what modules may be deemed “trustworthy”. This project involved having to create the initial grading scripts based on aspects within the NPM modules and then building a Flask API around that module. Once this was done, we had built our own CI/CD pipeline to create a DevOps cycle, where any change was tested, reviewed, and deployed to Google Cloud after approval by the other team members. Unfortunately, I can't display this project because it's tied to a Github Classroom repository. If you would like to see this project, shoot me an email!


Austin TX, United States


+1 (609) 356-8153